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Wellington City Council
8 Members
Emily Alleway R
Brennan Baxley R
Josephine Clarke R
Amy Hobbs R
Chelsea Kershaw R
Averill Clarke
Liam Farrell
Caroline Sollerhed
- R
- Registered
Wellington City employs a number of Landscape Architects in various roles. The majority are located in City Design and Place planning. This includes a Senior Landscape role and three others located in the Urban Design Team. One is located in with the Architectural team in Property Services. The Council also employ two others as Landscape Planners in the Parks Sport and Recreation directorate.

Eva + Leeds Street Upgrade
NZILA Award of Excellence / Small Projects — 2019

Te Kopahou Reserve - Entrance to Wellington South Coast
NZILA George Malcolm Supreme Award — 2015, Outstanding Design between $500K and $2M Award — 2015