Steve Dunn - 40 years at Boffa Miskell
Posted 29 01 2019
in News

Congratulations Steve
Landscape architect Steve Dunn has been recognised for 40 years at Boffa Miskell. As the company's longest-serving employee and a member of the Wellington office, Steve provides a wealth of knowledge and expertise to projects of all scales – from residential sites to large scale commercial and public works.
Wellington managing principal Hamish Wesney says, "Over his time with the company Steve Dunn has mentored, coached and supported the up-and-coming landscape architects in this office. He is very generous with his time, sharing and passing on his in-depth plant knowledge, and helping with understanding and testing practical elements of a design. Steve conducts all his work in a quiet, calm and professional manner, and is an extremely loyal and supportive colleague."
Landscape architects Boyden Evans and Sarah Collins are Boffa Miskell's next-longest-serving employees. They are based in Wellington and Auckland, respectively.
Sarah Collins says, "I'm on just 32 years with the company, and I have appreciated Steve's skills and support from the beginning. The Auckland Botanic Gardens residential garden design competition was one of the initial projects that we worked on. Other early projects Steve and I worked on together were Cornwall Park, and Ra Ora Stud along with Boyden Evans."
Sarah continues. "Project Manukau needed Steve's expertise, and we worked on that project over several years; his hand-drawn plans were exceptional. I have known I could ring Steve at any time and have always appreciated his advice."
Boyden says, "Steve has been a key person in successful and award-winning projects, many of which are in located throughout the wider Wellington region: Te Papa, the Botanic Garden Duck Pond, and the Supreme Court, are all in Wellington; Kapiti Public Library in Paraparaumu; Te Puna Wai Ora in Petone; Kimi Ora School in Naenae; and the Japanese Memorial in Featherston to name a few."
Steve's many private residential clients come back to him each time they shift house, which is testament to his design abilities and his excellent interpretation of a client’s brief. Steve’s plant and horticultural skills have been honed over a lifetime of practice and observation. His training is from a time when detailed plant and horticultural knowledge was key.
"Throughout his career Steve has maintained a strong involvement in the landscape profession and has served on the NZILA at branch and national level, "says Boyden. "He is extremely patient and is very committed to passing on his knowledge to younger practitioners. His style is one of quiet encouragement and gentle correction."
Brad Coombs, president of the NZILA, says, “Steve’s tenure on the Wellington Branch of the NZILA has been outstanding. Such long-standing institutional knowledge and contribution to branch matters is a great achievement. Thanks and well done, Steve.”
Nicole Thompson is chair of the NZILA's Wellington branch. "I’ve only been on the committee for two years, but Steve has been the Wellington branch treasurer for as long as I can remember! The branch is extraordinarily lucky to have Steve, his wealth of experience and sheer perseverance in getting the job done makes everyone else’s job on the committee that much easier," she says. "And it goes without saying that Steve’s great to work with; our meetings would not be half as enjoyable without his good humour and community spirit."
Christchurch-based landscape planner Bron Faulkner and Steve worked closely for nearly a decade, as key members of the Boffa Miskell landscape team on Mackays to PekaPeka Expressway.
"Steve was a critical part of the project team contributing his extensive experience and knowledge of not only plants and planting design, but his ability to prepare and wrangle massive plant schedules with his Excel Spreadsheet wizardry, his attention to detail and tenacity to remain applied to an arduous and sometimes frustrating task," recalls Bron.
"Steve's humour, quirky ways and patience with his project teammates underpinned the wonderful culture that we had as a team working on this project. His regular need to eat and endless supply of snacks is also unsurpassed!"
In recognising Steve's contributions to Boffa Miskell, chief executive Kerry Gupwell says:
“Steve's achievements over his four decades with Boffa Miskell illustrate the core values we strive to embody as a company."
"Our values of Ngākaunui/Passion and Kairangi/Excellence are represented by the tenacity and eye for detail Steve brings to each project, making sure the original design concept is realised and great places are created."
"Steve goes out of his way to follow up on projects after they have been completed. His ongoing interest and commitment ensures our work has a positive legacy and exemplifies our values of Whakapono/Trust and Ngā Tūhono/Partnerships to our project partners, our clients, and the wider community."
"Steve's mentoring of younger consultants throughout his 40 years and the deep relationships he has created both within the company and throughout the wider profession of landscape architecture embodies the values of Whānau/Family."
Those of us who work with Steve are the fortunate beneficiaries of his wisdom and experience, and it's a pleasure to recognise his contribution."
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