Image GalleryNick's Head Station Stewardship Master Plan
Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects
- Sustainability Award of Excellence — 2013
- NZILA George Malcolm Supreme Award — 2013

Nick's Head Station Stewardship Master Plan. An artful and exemplary project evidence of the outstanding outcomes that can be achieved through the landscape architect collaborating with a range of professionals, stakeholders clients.

This is design for place and not of place.
Family is the heart of all farms and this is evidenced by the subtle reflection of the broader farm landscape within an intimate and beautifully detailed homestead area that has brought the immediate heart and soul of the farm and family into the garden.
In a playful manner the story of the farm is reflected in the journey around the homestead garden.
NZILA Award of Excellence Statement: An exemplary project that successfully explores the integration of aesthetics and function. Through this process the masterplan has transformed a once degraded rural landscape to combine both successful agricultural and horticultural productivity with hillside and coastal conservation while honouring cultural heritage connections. The creation of the outstanding wetland illustrates best practice in catchment management while highlighting that landscape restoration can be beautiful as well as highly functional. This portion of the work sets the greenprint for the rest of the farm.
A comprehensive approach to management and stewardship of the landscape provides an enduring balance between production and conservation. Design thinking has been interwoven into all aspects of the property from the colonial homestead design aesthetic respecting scale and sense of place for the family to the farm infrastructure.
Nelson Byrd Woltz Landscape Architects