- NZILA Charlie Challenger Supreme Award — 2022
- NZILA Category Winner Master Planning and Urban Design Strategy — 2022

This ground-breaking kaupapa is the culmination of many years of work developed in partnership with a range of partners and stakeholders. It is a great example of how a strategic document can support and enable meaningful partnership between iwi, crown, council and the community. The strategy will help to realise the vision of a healthy and thriving Puhinui by bringing people together under a shared purpose, whilst defining a collective roadmap for intergenerational change.
What sets the strategy apart is its foundations were created in partnership with the local Waiohua iwi to ensure that this regeneration is led through indigenous maatauranga.

Judges’ Citation - category winner
By partnering with Te Waiohua, Eke Panuku has successfully realised an achievable vision for a healthy and thriving Puhunui which will reinvigorate the local community of this catchment. While not a new landscape management approach (catchment-wide landscape analysis), the whakapapa approach of Te Whakaoranga o Te Puhinui: Te Rautaki | Te Puhinui Regeneration Strategy, to analyse results in an intergenerational understanding of this place is successful.
Not only does it provide an overall vision for the future, this strategy dives into the detail of how to bring about step-by-step successes on the way to realising a big picture outcome. The involvement of the project landscape architect in analysis and documentation has been a critical component in communicating the vision and outcomes through a mammoth set of easy to follow and inspirational outputs. While this is common sense, this project has been executed to such an exceptional level that the bar has been raised significantly.
Judges’ Citation - Charlie Challenger supreme award
Te Whakaoranga o Te Puhinui: Te Rautaki | Te Puhinui Regeneration Strategy is an outstanding example of processes around stream restoration, within a wide cultural and natural setting. The project was collaborative and foregrounded maatauranga Māori, an integral component in addressing the issues of a degraded stream that is the tuupuna for Waiohua iwi. The methodology for the project is crafted around an integration of a living system and a whakapapa-centred wellbeing approach, interweaving western and Māori approaches to ecology and place. Collaboration extended out to the territorial authority, government agencies and community organisations, to create a robust, relevant and responsive process.
Core to the project is a charter which formally recognises the context of collaboration and mutual respect, with signatories including council partners, iwi, crown agencies and community organisations. Integrating tangata (people), whenua (place) and taiao (nature) in an intergenerational vision that responds to the environment as core to well-being, this project is exemplary in its methodology for a uniquely Aotearoa approach to restoration and regeneration.
Eke Panuku Development
Resilio Studio
Internal collaborators:
Gary Marshall, Finn Mackesy, Emmeline Ristori, Pip Walls, Chris Davidson
External collaborators:
Te Waiohua - Ngaati Te Ata, Ngaati Tamaoho and Te Ākitai o Waiohua with support from Crank, Done Ltd, Healthy Waters, Jasmax, Johnnie Freeland, Uru Whakaaro, Morphum Environmental, Mau Studio, Native by Nature and WSP