The Landscape Foundation
Landscape affects every one of us, whether we were born here, are now living here, or whether we are travelling through New Zealand. Landscape affects our aspirations, the places we live in, who we are and what we identify with.
Landscape is perceived, experienced, made and remade by people and communities. Each culture understands, values and responds to nature and culture in a different way, and landscape reflects those differences. Within each culture individuals and communities also hold different values about landscape, according to their world views.
Maori and European derived Pakeha New Zealanders understand and value landscape according to their different cultures. Generally Pakeha tend to prioritise landscape as views, while Maori place emphasis on intangible aspects of landscape. Together we value our unique flora and fauna, coastlines and the everyday, as well as the special aspects of our landscape and the resources we derive from landscapes. Together we love the landscapes that have nurtured us. Together we can work for change which enhances our places and spaces within the landscape.
The Landscape Foundation aims to draw attention to landscape change. We also aim to explore options for managing our landscape using the very best techniques and knowledge.
The NZILA Education Foundation was registered by the New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects in 1999 as a charitable trust. In 2015 the NZILA Education Foundation was renamed the Landscape Foundation.
NZILA Education Foundation is registered with the Charities Commission and can be found on the following website: www.charities.govt.nz
Our charities commission number is CC31765.