Programme 2025 Horanuku Hora Kai
*subject to change. Watch this space for updates.
The panel have been working hard on an informative and entertaining programme and we are excited to share the full programme with you soon. Get a taster on Landscape Architecture Aotearoa.
Friday 23 May the earlier end time should allow for the afternoon flights out of NPE which is a 29m drive from the venue.
Christchurch 16:20
Auckland 16:35
Wellington 17:05
Auckland 18:10
Check Air New Zealand availability and book here.
There may be additional optional events available post conference close. TBC.
The President's Awards Function (16.00-18.30pm) will be held on Wednesday 21 May at Peak House in Havelock North. This is an invitation only event.
We are investigating venues in Hastings for open invitation (pay your own) networking drinks on Wednesday evening after the President's Awards.
Please note: the AGM will be held online at an alternate time. All members will be informed.