Information about Group Mentors
The group mentor must be a Registered landscape architect who is willing to work with a group of graduates to assist them in the registration process. NZILA branches need to run graduate workshop sessions at least once per year, and must be attended by a volunteer 'Group Mentor'. The group mentor will provide guidance and advice to a number of graduates in a workshop situation and is not expected to have detailed knowledge of each individual's capabilities and competencies, but will have sufficient knowledge to enable them to be a seconder for their application for Registered membership.
As part of the programme, NZILA branches are expected to facilitate workshops for graduates/applicants with their group mentors twice a year. These workshops may be organized by either graduates themselves, or by the branch.
Graduate workshops are run for graduates who have a mentor and an established mentor relationship. Graduates must attend at least 2 graduate workshops during the Stage 1 period.
The workshops provide an opportunity for graduates to receive another source of feedback and assessment on their on-going practical experience. Depending on feedback from graduates, the workshops will also fill gaps in knowledge of specified areas identified by graduates/mentors.
It is recommended that the group mentor familiarise themselves with the practice areas and core competencies and associated criteria as set out in the Registered Member Guide prior to the workshop.