2022 Award Winners
Congratulations to all winners
Photos from the evening are now available
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Parks, Open Spaces and Recreation
Award of Excellence
Amey Daldy Park + Daldy Street Linear Park
Auckland Transport, Eke Panuku, Watercare
Award of Excellence
He Puna Taimoana Hot Pools
Glasson Huxtable Landscape Architects
DCL (Development Christchurch Ltd)
Acknowledgement: Matapopore on behalf of Ngāi Tūāhuriri (co-design of the public realm, public interface and cultural design components).
Award of Excellence
Tank Park
Eke Panuku
Tessa Harris, Reuben Kirkwood
Category Winner
Maungawhau Tihi Boardwalk
Tūpuna Maunga Authority, Tūpuna Taonga Trust, mana whenua, and with Stellar Projects and HEB Construction.
Education and Play
Award of Excellence
Te Āhuru Mōwai Playground
Boffa Miskell Ltd in association with Marton Development Group, Rangitikei District Council, Te Rūnanga o Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa and the community and businesses that brought the project to life.
Joint Category Winner: Education
Te Raekura Redcliffs School
Canopy Landscape Architects
Ministry of Education
Tennent Brown Architects
Ngāi Tūāhuriri
Joint Category Winner: Play
Warrior Mountains’ Playground – Te Papa Tākaro o Ngā Maunga Toa
Bespoke Landscape Architects
Taupō District Council
Cultural design by Kingi Pitiroi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa
Civic and Urban Design
Award of Excellence
Quay Street Upgrade
City Centre Design Collective, Mana Whenua, and the Downtown Programme
Kāhui Kaiarataki
Auckland Council, Auckland Transport
Category Winner
Te Wānanga
Isthmus, as part of the City Centre Design Collective, in partnership with Mana Whenua and the Downtown Programme
Residential and Gardens
Award of Excellence
Millbrook Residential Garden
Baxter Design Group Limited
Stewart Callaghan
Category Winner
Te Whare Māra
local landscape architecture collective
Jocelyn Yip
Institutional and Commercial
Award of Excellence
Galbraith's Alehouse Beer Garden
Neville Design Studio
Keith Galbraith
Institutional and Commercial
Award of Excellence
Te Rau Karamu Marae
Studio Pacific Architecture, Athfield Architects, and Te Kāhui Toi
Category Winner
Central Energy Trust Arena (CETA)
local landscape architecture collective
Award of Excellence
Tahitai—one tide, one journey
Category Winner
Kaikōura Earthquake Response: The recovery of the Kaikōura transport corridor and landscape
North Canterbury Transport Infrastructure Recovery (NCTIR)
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, KiwiRail
Aurecon, Tonkin & Taylor, WSP and Boffa Miskell
Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu
Resource Management and Strategic Planning
Award of Excellence
Napier Landscape Study
Isthmus with Te Taiwhenua ō Te Whanganui ā Orotū and Napier City Council
Master Planning and Urban Design Strategy
Award of Excellence
City Centre Design Collective
Auckland Council
In partnership with Mana Whenua and the Downtown Programme
Award of Excellence
Ngāmotu New Plymouth City Centre Strategy
New Plymouth District Council in partnership with Ngāti te Whiti
Award of Excellence
Te Mahere Aranga Tuatoru: A 30 Year Overall Plan for Parihaka
The Parihaka Community
Category Winner
Te Whakaoranga o Te Puhinui: Te Rautaki | Te Puhinui Regeneration Strategy
Prepared by Resilio Studio, Eke Panuku, Te Waiohua – Ngaati Te Ata, Ngaati Tamaoho and Te Ākitai o Waiohua
With Support from Crank, Done Ltd, Healthy Waters, Jasmax, Johnnie Freeland, Mau Studio, Morphum Environmental, Native by Nature and WSP
He Iti Pounamu
Award of Excellence
Murihiku Marae Ātea
local landscape architecture collective
Waihōpai Rūnaka
Award of Excellence
Eastern Porirua – People Changing Streets
Studio Pacific Architecture and Collaborators
Porirua City Council
Joint Category Winner
Place Cadets at Phillipstown Hub: Exploring design thinking
Gather Landscape Architecture
Phillipstown Community Centre Charitable Trust
Joint Category Winner
Te Maharatanga o Ngā Wai - remembering our waters
Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei and Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau
Research and Communication
Award of Excellence
The Carbon Footprints of Urban Rain Gardens
Craig Pocock, Shayne Noronha
Joint Category Winner
Te Tangi a Te Manu: Aotearoa New Zealand Landscape Assessment Guidelines
Gavin Lister, Rachel de Lambert, Alan Titchener
me te hunga katoa i āwhina i a mātou
Joint Category Winner
Kia Whakanuia te Whenua
Landscape Foundation
Award of Excellence
Envisioning Predator Free Miramar
Shanika Tuinder, Victoria University of Wellington
Award of Excellence
Ōtamahua: The past, the present, the future
Natasha Ryan, Lincoln University
Award of Excellence
Towards co-creation: A design-led study of ecological shifts in the tidal margin
Celia Hall, Victoria University of Wellington
Category Winner
Ecological experience in Aotearoa's deathscapes
Logan Drummond, Victoria University of Wellington
Enduring Landscape
Joint Category Winner
220kv Transmission Line
Lucas and Associates
Ines Stäger
Joint Category Winner
Fairlie Main Street Upgrade
WSP – formerly Opus International Consultants
Mackenzie District Council
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency - formerly Transit NZ
Supreme Awards
George Malcolm Award
Te Wānanga
Isthmus, as part of the City Centre Design Collective, in partnership with Mana Whenua and the Downtown Programme
Charlie Challenger Award
Te Whakaoranga o Te Puhinui: Te Rautaki | Te Puhinui Regeneration Strategy
Prepared by Resilio Studio, Eke Panuku, Te Waiohua – Ngaati Te Ata, Ngaati Tamaoho and Te Ākitai o Waiohua
With Support from Crank, Done Ltd, Healthy Waters, Jasmax, Johnnie Freeland, Mau Studio, Morphum Environmental, Native by Nature and WSP
Te Karanga o te Tui
Special Recognition
Te Mahere Aranga Tuatoru: A 30 Year Overall Plan for Parihaka
The Parihaka Community
Special Recognition
Warrior Mountains’ Playground – Te Papa Tākaro o Ngā Maunga Toa
Bespoke Landscape Architects
Taupō District Council
Cultural design by Kingi Pitiroi, Ngāti Tūwharetoa
Supreme Winner
Kaikōura Earthquake Response: The recovery of the Kaikōura transport corridor and landscape
North Canterbury Transport Infrastructure Recovery (NCTIR)
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, KiwiRail
Aurecon, Tonkin & Taylor, WSP and Boffa Miskell
Te Rūnanga o Kaikōura, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu