There are three supreme awards;
Charlie Challenger Award
for landscape planning
George Malcom Award
for design
Te Karanga o te Tui
for outstanding achievement in demonstration of the Te Aranga principles -
George Malcolm Award
Recognises the most outstanding achievement in landscape design. A winner will only be selected from the winners of the relevant award categories and awarded if the entry attains this standard of excellence. -
Charlie Challenger Award
Recognises the most outstanding achievement in landscape planning. A winner will only be selected from the winners of the relevant award categories and awarded if the entry attains this standard of excellence. -
Te Karanga o te Tui
Recognition of the most outstanding achievement in demonstration of the Te Aranga principles. The award recipient can be selected from any award category. To be considered they must have achieved excellence or category winner status. -
These categories represent the depth and breadth of landscape architecture practice in New Zealand.
Parks, Open Spaces and Recreation
* Public parks or gardens, open space, recreation and sport facilities/spaces.
* Strategic projects relative to recreation, amenity, cultural and heritage landscapes, tourism and the non-urban environment in general.
Please reference the Call for Entries document for the judging criteria. -
Play Spaces
* Public play facilities/spaces, including public and private children’s playgrounds of any type, scale and context.
Please reference the Call for Entries document for the judging criteria. -
Civic and Urban Design
* Projects in public, institutional or private realms.
* Streetscapes, urban and pocket parks, plazas, courtyards, waterfronts, mixed use developments, neighbourhoods, and urban renewal.
* May include associated elements of stormwater management, civic art or infrastructure.Please reference the Call for Entries document for the judging criteria.
Residential and Gardens
* Single and/or multi-unit developments, senior and assisted living developments/villages, private gardens, special purpose gardens, including themed gardens, interior gardens, roof gardens, and green wall facades (vertical gardens).
Please reference the Call for Entries document for the judging criteria.
Institutional and Commercial
* Institutional, commercial and industrial developments.
* Agricultural and natural resources utilisation, stormwater and water management.
* Large scale landscape reclamation, restoration and mitigation.Please reference the Call for Entries document for the judging criteria.
* Transportation Projects across any scale.
* Projects which provide for walking, cycling, micromobiliity and/or public transport.
* May include elements of natural resources utilisation, stormwater and water management, landscape restoration and mitigation or civic design.Please reference the Call for Entries document for the judging criteria.
Landscapes of Care
Landscape design which benefit from application of specific appropriate (likely research based) design initiatives, including a high level of
invention, innovation and creativity which has created value.
• May include hospitals, mental health units, rest homes, aged care facilities, aged care developments (such as retirement villages) that
demonstrate application of specific landscape design including principles of therapeutic landscape.
• May include education facilities from pre-school and kohanga reo, primary and high school to tertiary education where it can be demonstrated
that the landscape design contributes strongly to better learning and management outcomes.
• May include other Landscapes where the project benefitted from application of use specific appropriate (maybe research based) design
initiativesPlease reference the Call for Entries document for the judging criteria.
Resource Management and Strategic Planning
* National, regional and/or local area planning.
* Landscape, rural character, natural character assessments, including for outstanding natural feature and landscape areas and amenity landscape areas.
* Strategic policy analysis and formation.
* Natural and cultural resource protection and management.
* Environmental planning in relation to legislation, policy initiatives, and regulatory controls.Please reference the Call for Entries document for the judging criteria.
Master Planning and Urban Design Strategy
* Structure plans, spatial planning, strategies and design concepts for regional, district, area, and site-specific projects (including for the urban, rural and/or coastal landscape).
* Formulation of design guidelines/requirements.
Projects should be led, or jointly led, by a landscape architect and may involve other disciplines in the role(s) of co or sub-consultants.Please reference the Call for Entries document for the judging criteria.
Landscape Planning and Assessment
* Project, area and site-specific terrestrial and marine/aquatic landscape assessments.
* Assessments of landscape, natural character and visual effects.Please reference the Call for Entries document for the judging criteria.
Landscape Management
* Plans and techniques for the management of special or designated landscapes and habitats.
* Restoration, conservation and enhancement of natural and modified landscapes.
* Management plans for parks, open spaces, heritage parks.Please reference the Call for Entries document for the judging criteria.
He Iti Pounamu
Ahakoa he iti, he pounamu
Although small, it is of great value* Demonstrates the added value Landscape Architecture can bring to any project regardless of scale.
* Landscape design which has achieved a high level of invention, innovation and creativity which has created value.
* This may be a standalone project, or part of a larger project. Overall project may belong to a different discipline, where the Landscape Architect contributed with outstanding outcome.
* May include projects that are unusual or unique, temporary or opportunistic, including community gardens, outdoor events, activity spaces and installations.
* May include projects that have been designed as visionary think pieces which are unlikely to be implemented, but which inspire and challenge the status quo.
* May include innovative design of part of a project which led to an improved outcome.
* This may include design of specific furniture, tools, applications or innovation in governance or implementation.Please reference the Call for Entries document for the judging criteria.
Research and Communication
* Policy, original research and academic studies or initiatives, published books, reports, consultation and educational documents and programs.
* Interpretive, online and/or exhibition design and public awareness campaigns.Please reference the Call for Entries document for the judging criteria.
* Original research and academic studies, produced as part of an accredited landscape architecture program.
* Entries, irrespective of the grade mark received for the work, will consist of varied content, from conceptual design thinking and visual communication through to written landscape planning and management documentation. Collaborative works will be accepted.Please reference the Call for Entries document for the judging criteria.
Enduring Landscape
Nominations are being sought by all members for an enduring piece of designed and managed landscape that contributes to the betterment of society or demonstrates great forethought. The built project should be at least 20 years old, still well maintained and utilized, and truly showcase visionary thinking and long-term engagement. This is the chance for us all to remember those projects that continue to shape our lives and inspire us.This must be peer nominated. Where other practices have been involved, their contribution towards longevity must be acknowledged.
Please reference the Call for Entries document for the judging criteria.