Resene NZILA Pride of Place Landscape Architecture
2010 Award Winners
NZILA George Malcolm Supreme Award 2010
St Patrick's Square
Boffa Miskell Ltd
Gold Award & Resene Colour Award of Excellence
Residential Design
Waiheke Coastal Garden
Ted Smyth
Gold Award
Residential Design
Ferndale Subdivision
Isthmus Group Ltd
Gold Award & Resene Colour Award of Excellence
Te Whanaua a Tupuranga
Gold Award
St John's College Library Entrance
Boffa Miskell Ltd
Gold Award & Resene Colour Award of Excellence
Landscape Development
Queenstown Airport
Blakely Wallace Associates
Gold Award
Urban Design
Paeroa Civic Heart Revitalisation
Soul Environments
Gold Award
Urban Design
Northcrest Plaza, Manurewa
Thresher Associates
Gold Award
Urban Design
Christchurch City Mall
City Mall Alliance
Christchurch City Council
Isthmus Group
Reset Urban Design
Downer Edi Works
Gold Award & Sustainability Award of Excellence
Rural / Park / Recreation
Routeburn Track Visitor Development
Blakely Wallace Associates
Gold Award & Sustainability Award of Excellence
Rural / Park / Recreation
Parkhill Farm
Patrick Corfe Landscape Architects
Gold Award
Rural / Park / Recreation
Te Puru Bridge
Isthmus Group Ltd
Gold Award
Visionary Landscapes
Te Papa Museum
Gold Award
Visionary Landscapes
Wellington Gateway
Wraight & Associates
Claude Hidber and Taika Waititi
Gold Award
Communication & Promotion
Auckland Regional Council Stormwater Project
Boffa Miskell Ltd
Gold Award
Student Category
Unbreakable Ties: Matakohe, Limestone Island
James McLean
Gold Award
Student Category
Tapuwaeharuru: A Burial Park, Lyttelton Harbour Cemetery
Emma Content